RM - KL805
The RM KL805 'black line' is a 24 Vdc narrow band HF linear amplifier covering 25-30 MHz. Maximum output is 600 Watts from 15 Watts input power. It may be used in AM, SSB, CW and FM modes of transmission.
The RM KL805 features an independent receive pre-amplifier that provides about 26 dB gain for the received signal. Another feature is an internal RF switch so when the linear amplifier is switched on, it will automatically switch to TX and amplify the output of the transceiver when there is RF on the RTX input connector. It also features internal automatic VSWR protection and will shut down if the antenna VSWR increase about 2.5:1 protecting the transistors from damage. It is also protected against accidental DC input reverse polarity.
*Protection circuits are not 100% guaranteed. To prevent damage to your amplifier always check your VSWR after changing bands, no hot switching, no excessive input power etc.